
Books, Poems, Music that might interest Yoga students:

  • “Traveling” by Narriyah Waheed
  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
  • “Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann
  • Adagio: Music for Meditation – Peter Davisson
  • Adagio: Music for Healing – Peter Davisson
  • daughter drink this water – jaiya john
  • The Wisdom of DaVinci – An Urbanmonks Thinktank Publication
  • Black Elk Speaks – As told through John G. Neihardt (Flaming Rainbow)
  • The War of Art – Steven Pressfield
  • Rumi the Book of Love – Tranlations and Commentary by Coleman Barks
  • Living Yoga – Edited by Georg Feuerstein and Stephan Bodian with the staff of Yoga Journal
  • Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – BKS Iyengar
  • The Tao of Leadership – John Heider
  • A Course in Miracles – Foundation for Inner Peace
  • the untethered soul – Michael A. Singer
  • Awakening the Buddha Within – Lama Surya Das
  • Selected poems from – Every Word You Cannot Say – Iain S. Thomas
  • Selected poems from – milk and honey – rupi kaur
  • The Peace Book – Appleseed Press
  • Flow – the psychology of optimal experience – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • Awakening the Spine – Vanda Scaravelli
  • A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle
  • Broken Open (p. 39)- Elizabeth Lesser
  • Quiet Mind (p. 180)- David Kundtz
  • Dhammapada – 197 -199
  • Your Life is your Message – Eknath Easwaran
  • The Soul of Rumi: A new collection of Ecstatic Poems – translation Coleman Barks
  • (Music) Zen – Daniel May